MSP Mimi Smith Philemon

Month: June 2022


The same energy you will use to pray

The same energy you will use to pray your enemies should fall down and die; is the same you can use to pray for the manifestation of God’s glory so you can rise! I see you rising IJMN! #Focused #Priorities


The day you realize

The day you realize no one (but you) is responsible for your failure or success is the beginning of your freedom! Don’t use your inadequacies and mistakes as a crutch to make excuses for what you are unable to achieve. You have so much in you, but it depends on YOU recognizing your capabilities and …

The day you realize Read More »


When you have connections

When you have connections who stand by you through it all, you know you are blessed! Here is to continued peace, joy, happiness, and prosperity in this union. #Blessed #Joy

Sad girl

Instead of complaining

Instead of complaining, feeling hurt or sorry for yourself wipe yourself off, get up and make things happen. Life will not give you what you *think* you deserve. But it will NEVER deny you the results you put in the work to achieve. #Make #It #Happen


There is a reason for every experience you go through

There is a reason for every experience you go through. Trust me, it will all make sense in the end. One day you will help someone else facing the same obstacle you did. Decide to praise Him in the storm and tell God to use you for His glory! #Use #Me #For #Your #Glory

Work hard

It is not how you begin

It is not how you begin, but how you end. Focus, consistency, hard work, discipline, perseverance, never giving up, will bring big rewards. Even with obstacles, there is no education like adversity. What is your excuse? What is holding you back from achieving greatness? No more excuses, your wounds cannot stop you, begin today! #Believe …

It is not how you begin Read More »